Philanthropic Consulting

I founded a global charitable foundation and operated it for 20 years, working with hundreds of volunteers and multi-stakeholder initiatives. Now, I use my experience to help guide those who are interested in starting and developing charities, foundations, and philanthropic endeavours.

I offer one-on-one consulting services as well as small group retreats and workshops in the beautiful Canadian Rockies on the following subjects.

Fund Development:

I have built relationships with, and raised millions of dollars from, thousands of individuals as well as private and public foundations and corporations. I will teach you how to engage all your stakeholders, including board members, donors, sponsors, and volunteers, and how to keep them engaged and contributing long term. I will help you create an effective board, evaluate your current fundraising, and determine how to maximize your fund development.

Program Development:

I will coach you on how to build multi-stakeholder partnerships locally and globally. Once built, you’ll learn to evaluate the programs these partnerships support, ensuring they grow into effective programs that empower people and communities to become self-sustaining. Lastly, I will help you measure the effectiveness of programs and how to recognize when it is time for change.


I have mobilized hundreds of repeat volunteers—both within Canada and globally. Learn how to recognize individuals who will become supportive volunteers, and create volunteer groups that will be effective and engaged long-term. I will share support systems and guidelines that will ensure you get the most from your volunteers and, at the same time, allow them to have rewarding and memorable experiences.

Impactful Giving:

I offer strategic advice on the “How To” of impactful giving. We’ll work together to design your objectives and build the bridge between them and the recipients’ wishes. It’s an equal exchange of different values. We will then review your strategies and evaluate the impact your philanthropic dollars will have—on both you and your recipient.

Starting a Foundation or Charity:

Leveraging my experience from creating and running a foundation and governing on multiple boards, I will coach you through the complicated process of starting a foundation or charity. We'll develop your mission and create a roadmap to help you achieve your long-term goals and create a sustainable organization from the beginning.

I work with a small handful of dedicated change-makers. If you are ready to dive in and explore your philanthropy or evaluate your organization to create more impact, I would be pleased to start a discussion with you. Please contact me through the link below.